December 20, 2014
Life is short.
is to me like playing Chess
or having an Amaretto
...or having a vanilla milkshake!
I have an endless joy while doing it.
Kind of childish...I know.
Where art thou?
Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly
Oh where art thou butterfly?
(Lisa Marie Simpson's style)
Now seriously, where are you?
Not in Doha?
Go fly a kite!
December 17, 2014
December 16, 2014
Costume party.
A strange costume party in your room.
The masks are the usual ones,
the lies are the expected ones.
Every night you repeat the dance
-The songs are the ones you paid for-
There are no naked surprises,
the skin is part of the deal...
You want something more
You want to give up the mask
and breath clean fresh air,
but you're afraid to fly.
You want something more
-for sure-
I want you
I want you.
December 15, 2014
Role model
-All sub systems de-activated-
The sky is blue.
-All main systems activated-
Your heart is mine.
-Main systems on-line-
I'm a positive role model.
-Get the keys and be ready to roll-
Re education
they think that re education is for the infants
but if you could learn the facts
there's so much more left behind.
Do you have a heart of glass
...or a heart of stone?
How much do you need?
December 09, 2014
Todo es posible en el amor...
por tu espejo, en tu habitacion
lamiendo el area donde minutos antes
se proyectaba tu hermosa figura.
Voy alzando mis antenas al aire
disfrutando la estela de calor oloroso
que despide tu cuerpo sudado
como si me sujetara a la vida en ello.
Me muevo pesadamente
com mis seis alas guardadas
ya no quiero volar por los cielos
soy esclavo de tu sensualidad.
Soy tu eterno admirador, recojiendo por tus suelos
migajas de tu amor al mejor postor.
and it doesn't matter that much to me
-I'm pretty when I cry-
A Gregor Samsa.
(Este debió ser en inglés)
Waves in the sea.
Who is the wizard of Oz in your tale?
How we keep on playing after the sun is gone?
When I think of you...I see your smile fading away slowly.
All our memories are fading away
sleeping with the dragons deep in the ocean. waves in the sea,
going nowhere.
(The above lines are better felt with the song
"Life" by Clark Kent & Mimi Page
in the background)
December 06, 2014
The metro
...but I was lost.
If there is no sky
there's no need to fly.
I gave you my dreams
You gave me cold hands.
I asked for more and more
I couldn't see through you.
And at the very end
with my emotions buried in the sand
and a bitter sweet taste in my lips
I felt if I was riding on the metro.
December 04, 2014
Zig Zag towers
exploding in a multicolor prism...
full of life, full of straight lines,
like twin sphinxes dressed by rainbows.
There were few curious eyes
floating around, thirsty of colors, techniques...
And I was standing there
stealing eternity from the source.
It was an earthquake of intersecting lines
and a warm soup of techniques.
Like a sketch for gardens at the olympus
or the secret color code for the Greek's DNA.
And there I was
a silly magician's apprentice
surrounded by Goddesses...
hypnotized by their moves.
Life is hard outside Shangri-la.
December 02, 2014
Squared planet.
It's a mechanic orange.
An endless noise of souls
living stolen dreams.
Sense it
Sense it
Is this soul shocked?
It's a squared planet
to be lived in squared rooms.
December 01, 2014
like a silly bear with a cold nose
smelling an old bunch of wild flowers
wondering what went wrong.
The river sometimes enter in the cave
bringing some funny little fish in
that makes me smile. Still...
Is so cold here, so cold.
I gaze at the stars on clear, lonely nights
and hear the whispers of the forest
(Thousand tiny voices)
spelling your name.
Can this pain be stopped?
I have lots of words
written in each of my bones.
Your hips are sailing through my veins.
It's a non sense world.
Don't stop the rain.
Fill your moments with passion.
Love is all that matters.
Life is too short.
It's raining in Doha.
I love Rain.
I do.
November 26, 2014
Just what I needed.
of boys and girls affairs
It is like a game of wind and fire the same time history is been set up.
I've been thinking also
on the burning sun of your ideas
and how it feels as a gap
impossible to jump over.
But love changes everything.
I guess it's just what I needed.
Your picture.
to the rhythm of my pulse.
Your face is vibrating
in synchrony with my breathing.
You hair moves with my steps,
Your eyes dance with my moves!
The reason is plain and simple
...and couldn't be a better one.
I have your picture anchored
at the bottom of my heart.
And it feels so good
that I feel like dancing in the air.
Dance with me.
I'm the one who's been rollin dice
It's more than what I deserve
...But together we can melt the ice.
We will reach the stars.
Dance with me.
Alpha Towers.
November 23, 2014
Kochurani's dream
I'm pretty sure
that if I told you that I love you
you may think there's something wrong...
November 20, 2014
is ok sometimes to be alone.
Loneliness could be a source of inspiration
could even be seen as a step.
Loneliness only hurts
when I think of love.
It hurts badly.
November 19, 2014
To be ignored.
to be ignored by the person you love?
Do you know how it feels
to be invisible?
I know it.
I know it for sure.
I feel it every week...
You taught me how.
November 17, 2014
A veces digo tu nombre.
digo tu nombre
completito, nombre y apellido.
Muchas veces, hasta el cansancio.
(Que no llega nunca!)
Es mi mantra favorito
Tu nombre completo.
Y lo digo y lo repito
como si al hacerlo te tocara
como si estuvieras conmigo.
Digo tu nombre en voz alta
como invocando tu presencia.
A veces, con los ojos envidriados
digo tu nombre en voz queda.
Como terminará esta historia?
Does darkness ends in light?
November 02, 2014
Tea, Fish and Curry.
for all the Tea in China...
all the fish in Philippines
or for all the curry in India!
October 29, 2014
Give yourself to me.
I have all the keys
to melt your ice
to melt your heart.
Give yourself to me.
October 28, 2014
Empty promises.
Is all the desert receive from the clouds
Empty, hollow promises.
Like a fairy tale
whispered in the ear of a toy.
A little Rain
Petit, Bielle
If that.
The rest are just
empty promises.
And it may not change.
Empty, hollow promises.
Like a fairy tale
whispered in the ear of a toy.
A little Rain
Petit, Bielle
If that.
The rest are just
empty promises.
And it may not change.
Don't tell me why
were destroyed in Amsterdam
Don't tell me why
there are no castles in the sky.
All your nervous smiles and cold hugs
were buried deep, deep inside my eyes
Please, don't tell me why
we have no castles in the sky.
October 27, 2014
is not as painful as the fact
that I always knew it.
Maybe I deserve it.
October 24, 2014
High Voltage
Our past love used to be high voltage
-a short circuit phase to phase-
Zero resistance,
and a very, very high current.
The heat used to melt the busbars.
It was in the order of GigaWatts!
I'm glad you survived it.
Ahora, que ya tengo el poder
Ahora es que se vas a bb.
Con brisa.
Te dije que no te fueras,
que esto se ponia bueno.
Al salir me dejaste la vida vuelta un lío
-it took me ages to start again-
tuve que aprender a reir
hasta tuve que aprender a caminar de nuevo...
Lo que no sabia
- y gracias a ti aprendí-
es que no hay nada mas sabroso
que pescar en rio revuelto.
En la proxima pared solida que veas
acerca tu frente varias veces con velocidad e intención
Y repite conmigo en voz baja
" por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa"
October 23, 2014
October 21, 2014
Aguila miope.
estan dotadas de una vision superior
para discernir a distancia y con certeza
a los lobos feroces de los dociles ciervos.
Y de esta forma la madre naturaleza
dota de alimento tierno y presto
a algunos de sus privilegiados hijos
y sigue su curso, ingravida y gentil.
El asunto es que algunas Aguilas son miopes
y acaban siendo parte del almuerzo.
(Es que vengo de muy lejos)
October 20, 2014
Vengo de muy lejos
He visto las planicies polvorientas
donde los dragones se acuestan frente al sol
a digerir placidamente los caballeros
de armadura blanca y reluciente.
He visto el punto exacto
donde Venus y Marte hacen las paces,
donde se tornan los arcoiris en perlas doradas
que resbalan por los cuellos de seda de los cisnes.
He visto de cerca el Yaque y el Yuna,
la Pelona y el Valle de la Vega Real.
El refugio de los Unicornios
y el santuario del colibrí.
Vengo de lejos
de muy lejos...
October 19, 2014
October 15, 2014
October 10, 2014
Como gotas gitanas.

Se escurren por los ruedos de tu falda
las ultimas gotas de mi sangre latina
que habian ido a peregrinar a tu templo como gotas gitanas, pitonisas de tu vientre.
Resbalan por tu conciencia palida
gotas furtivas color rojo vino
desdibujando el futuro exotico fundado en la exquisitez de tu raza.
Se van a dormir el sueño eterno
las gotas de mi sangre, que te siguen
desde los primeros trazos de tu sonrisa que son tuyas desde antes de salir del corazon.
Se van allende los mares,
escapan por el desfiladero de tus piernas
las gotas gitanas de mi sangre caliente para no tocarte nunca mas.
October 05, 2014
October 03, 2014
October 01, 2014
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