February 25, 2017

No se.

El problema no es que ya no me quieras
eso, en cierta manera era esperado
(Dejabas pistas por doquier)
era cuestión de tiempo.

El problema
(El verdadero problema)
es que no se como olvidarte
- y eso si es un asunto grave-

Me enseñaste a amar
pero no me enseñaste a olvidarte.


February 17, 2017

Has anyone?

Has anyone written anything for you?

(Other than this blog)

Or am I the only lucky guy?

I think I have the madness
and enough love to do it.
Anyway, when you build your house
call me. Call me on the phone.

Because, you see
you only grow in my heart.


I miss my baby.

In the absence of security
I made my way into the night
Stupid cupid keeps on calling me
but I see nothing in his eyes.

I miss my baby.


February 13, 2017

Drippin' memories.

My heart

-my vagabond heart-

choose rainy days

for drippin' memories.

It's raining in Doha.
