November 08, 2015

Am I wrong?

Am I wrong?

To think that your red colours are brighter than a fairy lips. 

Am I wrong for having that vision?

To think the way you taste is for real.

To feel am on top of the world when I have you. 

But...that's just how I feel !

Am I wrong?


It feels so good.

It's a high temptation...and we knew it. It's a sweet sensation. We couldnn't just stop. 

I keep breaking my own rules, trying to forget about the consequences. 

It all comes down to the fact that it feels so good.

It feels so good...

Like gourmet mayonnaise spreaded on top of white bread. 

-Not allowed for the chubby ones.-


November 03, 2015

Does it matter?

You have it all figured out.
You have your whole life in chains.
Theres no space in your world
for a moment of true love or tenderness.

And you are ok with that
as we know -is part of your plan-
but sometimes, tell me my dear
don't you miss my loving heart?

Don't you miss to stop the world
in the middle of a kiss
and feel that you are not breathing...
Don't you miss any of this?

Is your plastic paradise
-fake as a Barbie blood-
good enough to clean your smile
of our genuine and strong love?

Does it matter that much to you?
-You live in an empty paradise-
Does it matter that I'm writing these words
while looking at the stars?

Does it matter?

Tell me we both matter, don't we?


I still have a dream.

I have a dream
of blue turtles flying high
and mountains of roses
gently touching the sky.

I have a dream of purple dolphins
sleeping under magic carpets
waiting for the flute to leak magic tunes
waiting as sleeping puppets.

I have a dream
I still have a dream
of you and me living together
of you and me living in happiness.


October 27, 2015

Strange love

Strange love
Our love is a strange love -indeed-
That's how are love goes
Strange love.

Will you take the pain
I would give to you (again and again)
and would you return it?
Will you give it to me?

Strange love.

Read the contract.

(There are no devolutions
or complains service desk)


October 24, 2015

Through my eyes

Passion, love,
sex, money.

A programmable heart. 

And I'm trapped in your web
In your plan of life
in your destiny
without really being part of it.  

And we both know
that no matter how far I go
I will always be close to you
and you will see me through my own eyes.

Because she has my eyes.

And we both know it.


I want to wake up.

Love is strange, indeed. 

Is mad to be in love with someone else.

While you are in love with him
she's in love with me
but you know as well as I do 
I can never think of anyone but you -All my life-

I dream of an iron heart
with iron feelings
but I continuously see your face floating around me
moving in crazy circles. 

Now I want to wake up. 


October 22, 2015

This is a test.

This is a test.

This is a test?


This is a painting!

-An Oil painting- 

A painting of two fish: "Bakery" and "Accommodation" 
two crazy fish  
and two very common words
in the pinoy vocabulary in UAE.

Go figure.



October 18, 2015

C is for cookies.

My dear little cookie monster
you've spent your whole life
trying to get the right cookie
well, here's my advice:

There is no right cookie!

Just pick the one your heart tells you to...
and take a bite.

Life is short
and the clock forgives no one. 


October 17, 2015

New friends, new life.

Recently I got new friends
from different social circles
and different nationalities -of course-
and am not sharing with them this blog.

I want to keep this place
(this e-private corner)
as my quite shelter
where I can dry my clothes on rainy days
and have a coffee with my conscience.

I want to be able to keep writing
-and posting- anything I want
without being asked why
or receiving nasty emails.

I don't want to make it private
as I want occasional readers
to enjoy part of my craziness
and give them some fun for a while.

I want frequent visitors
to laugh at my rather repetitive madness
and give them a sip
into the juice call reality.

For my new friends it is not allowed
to peek at my soul
to see what I think and what I feel
-this is reserved for you.-

For your eyes only.


October 11, 2015

Seasons change.

Seasons change
Sweet things turn out to bitter.
The rain dissapears and we have to go on. 
Seasons change.

Feelings change. 
People change. 

It is what it is. 

And the world continues turning.  

Sometimes we have a paradise in our hands
and can't believe our luck
next year we found ourselves in different places
with same pillows in different faces.

The wind is cold and we have to get some shelter. 
Our lips are broken and we need to rest
We then miss the face of a pretty girl
and our hearts sing a sad song in silence...


People change.

People change
They go 16000 kilometers -or more-
If the river is dry and the horizon is hostile
if there are no chances of a good life.

People go to greener places
-or to the desert if required-
to find inner peace 
and someone to love. 

Sometimes diying from inside
walking away really slow...dragging their feet
But people answer from deep inside
to the survival instinct. 

And when people decide to leave
without regrets or remorse
there's nothing left to say.
There's only forgotten moments and some dust. 


You want more.

Club Queen on the downton scene
Born to be wild
When they all say hello, you try to ignore them...
Cause you want more...
And that's what it's all about
with you.

You want more.


October 09, 2015


Marilyn Monroe was a living proof
of the heavy price to pay
when a pretty girl plays with fire 
and become an expensive toy. 

She used to fly and play with dragons
and sleep on weekends in a white castle. 
But the cristal sandal was not for her, no
it didn't fit her. It couldn't fit her. 

Marilyn was a prisoner of fashion
and the owner of all hearts. 
A scared lonely mermaid 
playing cards with the sky.

We may say she lived a curious life
We may say she was the center of some universes.
But she was not an eternal shining sun
She was the mistress of thunder, mistress...nothing else. 


Art and love.

Art and everyday objects
go hand in hand
as my love and the memories of your kisses
through out my lonely nights. 

And I don't know if you even remember my face.


October 02, 2015

Caught up.

I go around
flying on my own sky
pretending am a free bird
-not knowing am caught up
in the net of your hair
from the very first time we kissed-


Snake charmer

I didn't love you because my heart said so, no.
I loved you - on a regular basis -
I loved you with all the blood in my veins
because even when I close my eyes, I still can see you. 

You were like a golden, exotic, precious snake charmer. 

Just when I thought I couldn't love anyone, anymore,
You came into my life 
and gave me love
and gave me hopes. 

And then I played your tune
and then I was your lover
-because I loved you that much-
But I wouldn't normally do these kind of things. 


September 26, 2015

Yes sir, I can boogie.

I came to notice recently
that I am the kind of person
who can laugh endlessly
of the same thing.

Like, err... the minions
those tiny yellow crazy creatures
(whenever they hear "bottom"
or they see deflating balloons ).

For example I keep on watching
the video "Yes sir, I can boogie"
and I find extremely ridiculous
the punching from both beautiful women
-say at 1:24-
( and OMG they repeat it at 1:40)
I can't get enough of their punching!
I just can't.

I know lots of the Disco moves
were silly and some of them extravagant.
However, they should seek for advise
before showing two ladies punching to the air.




Siempre he sido muy intenso...
la vida la he vivido bajo mis propias reglas
y he saboreado cada gajo de la naranja
con particular e individual disfrute.

Puedo sufrir un amor que me dejó,
sufrirlo un millón de noches...
como si llorara el fin de la humanidad
y al dia siguiente mirar una rosa por horas
-con alegria de huerfano en almuerzo-
como quien ve algo grande por vez primera.

Si gustas de vida normal
amor sobrio, prepagado y programado
...y de conversaciones automaticas
no busques en mi esas opciones.

Soy ese de quien tu madre siempre te previno
-ese con quien tus amigas siempre soñaron-
y me sumerjo en tus oceanos cada noche
cabalgando mi leviatan como si tal cosa.


El arte.

En el dia de hoy un amigo mío publicó en facebook lo siguiente:

"El arte no es un regalo de Dios...
es un castigo que no permite vivir la vida como los demas
y que persigue al castigado aun en sueños...
es una sed eterna de crear y de plasmar cosas
que solo el artista puede ver."

Y eso, mi amor bello, e-s-a-s-i.


(So far it has 48 likes)



September 21, 2015

En la calle esperanza

He mudado mis frios huesos
a la sombra de un viejo almendro
esperando por la eternidad
con la ingenuidad de un niño.

He depuesto todos los planes
de tocarte y de sentir tus escalofrios.
Me he prometido ser tu fantasma, si
pero un fantasma bueno, un fantasma amigo.

No sabras ya nada mas de mi.
- a ti te perseguiré con sigilo-
(Es que aca en el cielo nos sobra el tiempo
y nos invade el hastio).

Descansa ya en tus laureles
que no es esto un desafio
es la promesa de un amor muerto
que se ha undido en el desvario.


A dieta de estrellas

Transito por el mundo
con una idea en los bolsillos
silbando mi tonada a los vientos
buscando tu rostro en cada rincon.

Tarareo una frase menuda
que me ayuda a cruzar el rio
mientras te busco a tientas en la orilla
pero me obstruye la niebla, me aturde el frio.

Y nada es cierto ya
a casi nada le atino
te me has vuelto transparente
te busco hasta en el vino.

Si pudiera verte de nuevo
Si pudiera estar contigo
se llenarian de amor mis alforjas
seria un tormento divino.


Es tan largo el olvido

Como se llega al cielo?
Donde se encuentra paz para el alma?
He buscado el cielo en tu regazo,
me han brindado tus labios la calma.

Por cual camino de duendes traviesos
se ha extraviado tu calor?
Donde estas corazon, donde estas?
No sabes cuanto puede doler el amor?

Quisiera a veces
nunca haberte conocido, amor de mi vida.

Es tan corto el amor
Y tan largo el olvido.


Tu luna

Tu luna jugaba a esconderse con frecuencia
por entre mis nubes azules, sobre el mar
coqueteando con la idea infantil
de un cuarto menguante sobre un eclipse parcial.

Teñias mis praderas de fina plata
con tu reflejo de archipielago lunar
siempre pidiendo mas, siempre esperando mas
y mis copas llenabas a rebosar.

No estabas tu para prometer
ni estaba yo para esperar...
Es que tu luna era ajena
-otros cielos la habian comprado ya. -

Pero tu luna habia descubierto el amor
y no queria por nada aceptar
que otros cielos le poseian
que nada se podia enlazar.

Con el tiempo como cruel verdugo
solo me queda esperar
que el reloj un dia se canse
y todo se olvide a la mar.


September 17, 2015

In a Hawk's eyes.

The dunes are slowly dancing
in the new millennium era
changing their shapes as a puzzle
in a non stop performance.

It all happens
while the camels get bored
down the shade of a palm
yawning at the clouds.

The sea whispers warm greetings
to the dry face of the camels
in every wave of silver crest
like a shining smile of pearls.

And the Hawk remains still
watching everything, high in the blue sky
with a confident flight
and a powerful wings.

Is a wonder of nature
and a blessing from God.


The desert

The desert...
Thousands voices coming from the sand
describing centuries of battles,
honor, pride and hopes.

The desert is a silent partner
quiet as a sleeping cat
vigilant as a great lion
touching the sun in an endless kiss.

An occasional rain
reminds me the eternal power
of mountains of golden sand
embracing the earth as a second skin.

The desert air is magical
it reaches you everywhere
with a quiet smile
and warm caress.

The desert and its eternal patience
proves everyday and in every way
that is a very generous teacher,
a very good teacher indeed.


September 16, 2015

Cruel to be kind.

When you're bored
You use to treat people as fluffy toys
and stretch their hearts up so tensed
that the damage is permanent.

You don't even notice
that the blood in their veins
has run dry centuries ago
along with all the tears and pain.

And then you ask them if there's love
and then you try to have casual conversations.
There are some situations in which
is cruel to be kind.

This is one of those.


September 11, 2015

Somos todos.

Somos la sonrisa del niño
cuando ve por primera vez
el revolotear de una mariposa.
Somos esa sonrisa, un poco añejada ya.

Somos el abrazo que da el rio
a la montaña fria, entre arboles y helechos.
Somos esa cosquilla que serpentea
y se rinde a su destino en el mar.

Somos las estrellas, brillando a lo lejos
destellando en soledad
absortas en el azul galactico
colectando suspiros en el cielo.

Somos los que se han ido
somos los que hemos dejado atras
Somos los que llegaran con nuevos brios
Somos todos, somos todos hasta el final.


September 08, 2015


«Noches hubo en que me creí tan seguro de poder olvidarla que voluntariamente la recordaba».

El Aleph,
Jorge Luis Borges.

A ti.

“Como no sabías disimular me di cuenta en seguida de que para verte como yo quería era necesario empezar por cerrar los ojos...” 

Julio Cotázar.

Amor mio,

Amor mío, no te quiero por vos ni por mí ni por los dos juntos, no te quiero porque la sangre me llame a quererte, te quiero porque no sos mía, porque estás del otro lado, ahí donde me invitás a saltar y no puedo dar el salto, porque en lo más profundo de la posesión no estás en mí, no te alcanzo, no paso de tu cuerpo, de tu risa, hay horas en que me atormenta que me ames (cómo te gusta usar el verbo amar, con qué cursilería lo vas dejando caer sobre los platos y las sábanas y los autobuses), me atormenta tu amor que no me sirve de puente porque un puente no se sostiene de un solo lado...

Julio Cortázar.


Life will always gives you what you deserve
-not what you want-
and that, my dear
is the real tragedy of life.


September 06, 2015

There's something about you.

There's something about you
and the way you dissapear-always-
and the way you reappear-always-
that makes me love you and hate you.

And I can't escape your claws...
as an experienced predator
you chase me through the forest
and cut my flesh with sharp kung fu moves. 

There's something about you
There's something about you
that heats up the air around me
and burn the dry flakes of time. 

There's something about you,
and the way you kiss me, of course.


September 04, 2015

Moo point.

Try to explain what we feel
-or trying to get somebody around us
who can understand what's happening-
is a total, complete moo point.

Cow, Andy Warhol, 1976.


Un poco loco si estoy.

Atrapar una mariposa
es una odisea muy similar a la del Quijote. 
Se necesita estar loco
y ver cosas donde no existen.

Sobre todo si la mariposa es ajena.

Vaya usted a saber los negocios de cupido.


We did it.

We found love in a hopeless place.

Yup, indeed my dear.

As Lady Rihanna may say,
while singin' at the shower,
We found love in a very hopeless place.
-it's gonna be ok though-



September 01, 2015

Would you?

Working all seasons
day in - day out
-trying too hard-
Working through the night.

Moving in circles.
Feeling the fever to write
searching for reasons
-This is my life-

Shall I ask you to dance?
Do you believe in love?
If I promise romance
would you come for a ride?



August 31, 2015

Scared of pretty girls

I was scared of dentists and the dark

I was scared of pretty girls

-and starting conversations-

Go figure.

But yes, I did.

Pretty girls always provoke in me

a strange fascination

as if they were from another planet.

As if I just discovered

the next best thing in life.

And it happened every time I meet them

...and it still happens.

Some pretty girls are provided

with a tiny beating red thing

called heart

whereas some others don't.

And no one is to blame.

It's just the way it is.


July 31, 2015

En la frontera.

Enredados en la malla del olvido
se han quedado los besos que no te di.
Asustados como racimo de uvas escondido
esperando la mano que lo ha de redimir. 

Se iran quizas desgastando con el tiempo
hasta ser solo un punto en la memoria. 
Hasta ser solo el recuerdo, el intento
del bosquejo de un gran amor, una historia. 

Y debo seguir el camino, sabiendo
que andas por algun lado, por el mundo
ignorando la pena que llevo, muriendo
muertes diarias con dolor profundo.

Y asi quedan los besos, los sueños
buscando aire para respirar
espiando en la frontera hecha por tu dueño
con la esperanza de volverte a amar.

Alpha Towers. 

Transductor 3000

Cientificos rusos acaban de inventar el "Transductor 3000"
La maquina que nos acercará a personas
de todos los rincones del mundo
y eliminará las barreras idiomaticas y culturales.

Su precio rondará por los 50,000 Euros

Ahora, que pensandolo bien,
el amor tambien logra eso, 
y en muchas ocasiones
logra mucho mas.

Y por lo general es gratis.


July 27, 2015

My Queen of hearts.

Come close my
come closer my Queen of hearts.
I want to share a secret with you...
-It's a secret of love.-

I know I can buy many things in life with diamonds
...but that's not the shape of my heart.


July 23, 2015

Como cada 22

Recuerdo que el universo entero es solo un punto
situado en el centro de un iman,
de un magneto de fuerza descomunal
que gira todo, mezcla todo y nos hace maravillar.


July 20, 2015

Like a flaming dragon.

Cuando el alba dibuja sus dedos
tras la cortina que esconde mi cama
cada uno de sus rayos
avisa tu presencia en el mundo. 

En los primeros sorbos de aire
tu nombre va tatuado
como dragon chino, flameante,
en el cuello de mis sentimientos. 

Como te he de olvidar?

Crees que se puede olvidar
a quien hemos dejado el alma en un beso?

Don't be silly...
Real love never dies.


Stuck in your lips.

At first sight I was stuck,
I was paralized by your invisible rays
and the promise land in your lips
trapping me like a golden web. 

I felt like a young wild lion
in front of a big river,
smellin in the warm breeze 
the wild fruit on the trees, calling me from the other side. 

And I decided to take the step forward
and try my best jump 
-I still don't know however,
if I crossed or if I dreamt I crossed the river-

Only time will tell.


July 14, 2015

La vida sin ti.

La vida sin ti, mi adorada,

me ha convertido en una isla andante, viajera,

que con la ayuda de las hadas

va y se mueve por doquiera.

La vida sin ti, mi cosa bella

me ha quitado las prisas por ir a la cama

me diò horarios vampirescos y estrellas

y me hace despertar cada dia sin ganas.

Hago y deshago las cosas

en un ritmo lento y rutinario

con adecuada parsimonia que endosa

cada una de las cuentas de mi rosario.

Observo todos los detalles

-presto atencion a todas cosas-

tratando de descubrirte en alguna calle

sonriendome con esa sonrisa hermosa.

Y es eso lo que me impulsa

es ese el combustible que me mueve, vida mia

la secreta e infinita esperanza

de volverte a ver algun dia.


Que horas son mi corazon?

Que horas son alla en Korea?

Que horas son alla en Japon?

Que horas son la vida entera?

Que horas son alla en Luzon?

Nos engañaron bye, bye bon.

Proxima parada: Luzon,

avenida de la Paz.

Niño (curioso)

Y que tienen que hacer

el padre y la madre

para tener hijos?

La Madre (sonriente)

Solo quererse mucho.

Yo siempre estare a tu lado.

Manu chao.


July 10, 2015

Sometimes it hurts.

Como diria esa gran bachatera

-ida a destiempo-

la voluptuosa rubia Adele:

Sometimes it lasts in love

but sometimes it hurts instead.

This is one of the times it hurts.

And it's just the way it is.


July 09, 2015

Todo el mundo muere.

Y cada vez que oigo esa cancion

de la Marina y sus super diamantes

los ojos se me ponen vidriosos

y se me tuerce la sonrisa.

La sonrisa de la Perlita es lo primero que veo

cuando las palabras del coro resuenan

como un grupo de palomas que escapan al cielo

desesperadas por recibir el aire fresco y los rayos del sol.

Everybody dies, dies

Y sigo viendo su cara, fija en mi,

siempre sonriente, siempre amorosa

Su tez blanca como la leche

y su pelo extra largo de seda negra.

If I could buy forever at a price...

Pero no hay nada que hacer...

recordar lo vivido

y aguardar con la secreta esperanza

de un re-encuentro en otra dimension.

I would buy it twice, twice.

Que lo que queda aca en la tierra

no es siquiera un uno por ciento

de lo que era, en cantidad

ni llega a un uno por mil en calidad.

Everybody dies, dies.


July 06, 2015

The year of the cat.

Long expressive asian eyes
climbing the border of a cappuccino cup
remind you that she came
from the year of the cat.

Your tongue is tied
you don't know what to say.
Her presence is so intense
that you feel like a bird in a cage.

You don't ask questions
and you rush bravely to find
what's waiting inside
the year of the cat.

A piano sounds softly in the background
of a passionate 40's love scene
while she locks your heart
and the rain kisses the cats.

She is too much, too white
like snow in a Chinese garden
like a mountain in the night
breathing quietly in the year of the cat.

You want to know her secrets
and live in her arms until you die
so you make a toast to eternity
but she can't stay, she came from the year of the cat.


Bubbles in the past.

Everything you gave to me
and everything you ever did
has dissolved like flesh in the crib
they were pure bubbles indeed.

Now I see things clear
nothing else shall I expect
your words were as solid and real,
as the imaginary crocodile tears.

All the kisses, all the hugs
everything had expiration date!
Everything has turned into mud
the white fine sand was fake.

And now we have to continue
(the show must go on)
if some time you think of me
probably you just feel bored or alone.

Please don't do that
please don't remember this
-no one is to blame- carry on with your life
and find new exciting games.

And some day
-In the mist of time-
When they asked you if you knew me
remember that you were a friend of mine.



July 04, 2015


I had no clue at that time, the first time,
when your wings encountered my eyes
and hypnotized me as a kid
as a little kid in front of the ice for the first time.

It happened so quick
that I had no other choice
but to take a deep breath
-while my heart skipped a beat-

Since then I can't do anything
without feeling your presence
around my space
walking with me, looking at me.

Does darkness ends in light?

How can I learn new oceans
if am still afraid of loose sight of the land?


July 01, 2015

Casual love

Hello, little girl.
Is that a tear in your eye?

I know all your dreams are locked,
waiting under the pillow
-it's written in your little asian eyes-
and you don't have the key.

You want a full romance
you want the moon and the stars.
you want to feel electricity
-the magic- throughout your bones.

But life has tricked you out of your hopes
and you see your days going by
chasing unicorns in a bored TV
waiting for something, a miracle perhaps.

Come go with me
come, seriously.
(There's nothing left to loose anyway)
I can give you an endless night.

@ Radisson blue, Doha.


Do re mi


And sometimes you
and always me...


June 17, 2015

They don't know.

They think they know you
but they don't know.
They think they please you when they smile
but they don't know.

They think they got you
but they don't know.
They thinks they know the reason for your tears
but they don't know.

They think your very soft
but they don't know.
They think you're happy when you sing
but they don't know.

They think they know you
but they have no idea.


June 16, 2015


Magic is everywhere around you.
Touch it. Open your heart and feel it.

Let your beautiful colors shine,
open your butterfly wings
and sing, and dance with the sun
in a non stop waltz above the sea.

Your family is your audience
-the people who you care the most-
are always there for you
they are your best asset.

They should receive all the charm
and tender gift of your voice
They are the ones craving
for your loving care.

Don't tie your eyes to the stars
life is happening now
in front of you
and all around you.

Live now.
Forget the past.
It doesn't really matters.


To follow up.

It's basically what's missing
most of the times
in most of the things...
To follow up.

Things become more credible
achievable, livable
when we follow up on them,
and make them happen.

To pretend that a fine portrait
is done by itself
-without the art and work of the artist-
is nothing but a day dream.

A proper follow up takes time
and some courage
but in the end it pays back
with visible rewards.

To follow up is essential
for the basics things in life
to evolve in a positive way
and take us where we want to be.

For everything else
you have God.



June 15, 2015


A fact is what you can see
what you can touch,
what you can count on
without any doubt.

Saying I love you
doesn't really take too much effort.
Writing I love you is even easier
-because you don't have to fake the expression-

Saying I love you
is just a physical act
of air passing through your throat
pushed from your lungs.

You don't have to be committed to do that.

Now, showing that you love somebody
is a complete different thing.
It takes effort -courage perhaps-
and you have to be really committed.

If you do it for a period
then it can be tagged as a "temporary love"
If you do it always
then it is a "forever love".

Once you show your love
then it becomes a fact.

A fact is something undeniable
because...after all, it's a fact!




The truth can not be hot
...or cold.

The truth has no temperature.
Is simply the truth.

There is no such a thing
as a half true either.
Is a true fact
or is a lie.

And one -rather ugly- truth is that
a bored woman is capable
of breaking one million hearts
and go for a coffee after that.

For it is the divine duty of her husband
-as they mutually agreed-
to keep her satisfied
...and busy.
