June 28, 2014

Batteries are not included

How can I see you again?
And feel your heart beating.
Where can I see you again?
And smell your sweet perfume.

I have no clue

I'm lost in the middle of the sea.

Give me some sign.

I feel like seeing my heart
from the outside of a toy shop
and this time
Batteries are not included.

If you're playing me...
I don't wanna know.


June 27, 2014


All writings from a broken heart are pure love letters. (Pedro Almodovar)

Today, as I opened my eyes I knew
that I would give all the tea in china
Just to see you again for one minute
Just to touch you again.

Where are you know?
Do I ever cross your mind?


Where are your kisses now?

I was the faithful guardian of your sleep
I was the endless tide beneath your ship
Yesterday you were my Queen of hearts...
Where are your kisses now?


June 26, 2014

I can feel you.

Whenever you step inside the castle
I can feel you
-and your tiny shoes-
sniffing around my stuffs

I can feel you
like a vampire can feel his victims
I can sense each and every one
of your breaths.

I can feel your nervous breathing
while you search in these rooms
waiting to find a clue, a hint
waiting to find that all of this is for you.

Whenever you step inside the castle
I receive a fax in my heart
with your face in it
and flowers in the cover.

I got your picture, yes
but I want the original.

Deal with that.
