July 31, 2015

En la frontera.

Enredados en la malla del olvido
se han quedado los besos que no te di.
Asustados como racimo de uvas escondido
esperando la mano que lo ha de redimir. 

Se iran quizas desgastando con el tiempo
hasta ser solo un punto en la memoria. 
Hasta ser solo el recuerdo, el intento
del bosquejo de un gran amor, una historia. 

Y debo seguir el camino, sabiendo
que andas por algun lado, por el mundo
ignorando la pena que llevo, muriendo
muertes diarias con dolor profundo.

Y asi quedan los besos, los sueños
buscando aire para respirar
espiando en la frontera hecha por tu dueño
con la esperanza de volverte a amar.

Alpha Towers. 

Transductor 3000

Cientificos rusos acaban de inventar el "Transductor 3000"
La maquina que nos acercará a personas
de todos los rincones del mundo
y eliminará las barreras idiomaticas y culturales.

Su precio rondará por los 50,000 Euros

Ahora, que pensandolo bien,
el amor tambien logra eso, 
y en muchas ocasiones
logra mucho mas.

Y por lo general es gratis.


July 27, 2015

My Queen of hearts.

Come close my
come closer my Queen of hearts.
I want to share a secret with you...
-It's a secret of love.-

I know I can buy many things in life with diamonds
...but that's not the shape of my heart.


July 23, 2015

Como cada 22

Recuerdo que el universo entero es solo un punto
situado en el centro de un iman,
de un magneto de fuerza descomunal
que gira todo, mezcla todo y nos hace maravillar.


July 20, 2015

Like a flaming dragon.

Cuando el alba dibuja sus dedos
tras la cortina que esconde mi cama
cada uno de sus rayos
avisa tu presencia en el mundo. 

En los primeros sorbos de aire
tu nombre va tatuado
como dragon chino, flameante,
en el cuello de mis sentimientos. 

Como te he de olvidar?

Crees que se puede olvidar
a quien hemos dejado el alma en un beso?

Don't be silly...
Real love never dies.


Stuck in your lips.

At first sight I was stuck,
I was paralized by your invisible rays
and the promise land in your lips
trapping me like a golden web. 

I felt like a young wild lion
in front of a big river,
smellin in the warm breeze 
the wild fruit on the trees, calling me from the other side. 

And I decided to take the step forward
and try my best jump 
-I still don't know however,
if I crossed or if I dreamt I crossed the river-

Only time will tell.


July 14, 2015

La vida sin ti.

La vida sin ti, mi adorada,

me ha convertido en una isla andante, viajera,

que con la ayuda de las hadas

va y se mueve por doquiera.

La vida sin ti, mi cosa bella

me ha quitado las prisas por ir a la cama

me diò horarios vampirescos y estrellas

y me hace despertar cada dia sin ganas.

Hago y deshago las cosas

en un ritmo lento y rutinario

con adecuada parsimonia que endosa

cada una de las cuentas de mi rosario.

Observo todos los detalles

-presto atencion a todas cosas-

tratando de descubrirte en alguna calle

sonriendome con esa sonrisa hermosa.

Y es eso lo que me impulsa

es ese el combustible que me mueve, vida mia

la secreta e infinita esperanza

de volverte a ver algun dia.


Que horas son mi corazon?

Que horas son alla en Korea?

Que horas son alla en Japon?

Que horas son la vida entera?

Que horas son alla en Luzon?

Nos engañaron bye, bye bon.

Proxima parada: Luzon,

avenida de la Paz.

Niño (curioso)

Y que tienen que hacer

el padre y la madre

para tener hijos?

La Madre (sonriente)

Solo quererse mucho.

Yo siempre estare a tu lado.

Manu chao.


July 10, 2015

Sometimes it hurts.

Como diria esa gran bachatera

-ida a destiempo-

la voluptuosa rubia Adele:

Sometimes it lasts in love

but sometimes it hurts instead.

This is one of the times it hurts.

And it's just the way it is.


July 09, 2015

Todo el mundo muere.

Y cada vez que oigo esa cancion

de la Marina y sus super diamantes

los ojos se me ponen vidriosos

y se me tuerce la sonrisa.

La sonrisa de la Perlita es lo primero que veo

cuando las palabras del coro resuenan

como un grupo de palomas que escapan al cielo

desesperadas por recibir el aire fresco y los rayos del sol.

Everybody dies, dies

Y sigo viendo su cara, fija en mi,

siempre sonriente, siempre amorosa

Su tez blanca como la leche

y su pelo extra largo de seda negra.

If I could buy forever at a price...

Pero no hay nada que hacer...

recordar lo vivido

y aguardar con la secreta esperanza

de un re-encuentro en otra dimension.

I would buy it twice, twice.

Que lo que queda aca en la tierra

no es siquiera un uno por ciento

de lo que era, en cantidad

ni llega a un uno por mil en calidad.

Everybody dies, dies.


July 06, 2015

The year of the cat.

Long expressive asian eyes
climbing the border of a cappuccino cup
remind you that she came
from the year of the cat.

Your tongue is tied
you don't know what to say.
Her presence is so intense
that you feel like a bird in a cage.

You don't ask questions
and you rush bravely to find
what's waiting inside
the year of the cat.

A piano sounds softly in the background
of a passionate 40's love scene
while she locks your heart
and the rain kisses the cats.

She is too much, too white
like snow in a Chinese garden
like a mountain in the night
breathing quietly in the year of the cat.

You want to know her secrets
and live in her arms until you die
so you make a toast to eternity
but she can't stay, she came from the year of the cat.


Bubbles in the past.

Everything you gave to me
and everything you ever did
has dissolved like flesh in the crib
they were pure bubbles indeed.

Now I see things clear
nothing else shall I expect
your words were as solid and real,
as the imaginary crocodile tears.

All the kisses, all the hugs
everything had expiration date!
Everything has turned into mud
the white fine sand was fake.

And now we have to continue
(the show must go on)
if some time you think of me
probably you just feel bored or alone.

Please don't do that
please don't remember this
-no one is to blame- carry on with your life
and find new exciting games.

And some day
-In the mist of time-
When they asked you if you knew me
remember that you were a friend of mine.



July 04, 2015


I had no clue at that time, the first time,
when your wings encountered my eyes
and hypnotized me as a kid
as a little kid in front of the ice for the first time.

It happened so quick
that I had no other choice
but to take a deep breath
-while my heart skipped a beat-

Since then I can't do anything
without feeling your presence
around my space
walking with me, looking at me.

Does darkness ends in light?

How can I learn new oceans
if am still afraid of loose sight of the land?


July 01, 2015

Casual love

Hello, little girl.
Is that a tear in your eye?

I know all your dreams are locked,
waiting under the pillow
-it's written in your little asian eyes-
and you don't have the key.

You want a full romance
you want the moon and the stars.
you want to feel electricity
-the magic- throughout your bones.

But life has tricked you out of your hopes
and you see your days going by
chasing unicorns in a bored TV
waiting for something, a miracle perhaps.

Come go with me
come, seriously.
(There's nothing left to loose anyway)
I can give you an endless night.

@ Radisson blue, Doha.


Do re mi


And sometimes you
and always me...
