Recently I got new friends
from different social circles
and different nationalities -of course-
and am not sharing with them this blog.
I want to keep this place
(this e-private corner)
as my quite shelter
where I can dry my clothes on rainy days
and have a coffee with my conscience.
I want to be able to keep writing
-and posting- anything I want
without being asked why
or receiving nasty emails.
I don't want to make it private
as I want occasional readers
to enjoy part of my craziness
and give them some fun for a while.
I want frequent visitors
to laugh at my rather repetitive madness
and give them a sip
into the juice call reality.
For my new friends it is not allowed
to peek at my soul
to see what I think and what I feel
-this is reserved for you.-
For your eyes only.