July 31, 2017

What if?

What if you meet
the love of your life
but you already married someone else?
Are you going to let it pass you by?

(Drew Barrymore)


July 27, 2017

Move on.

"The past is the past. It's gone.
Don't let it kill you. Get over the bad things that happened.
It's gone. People change. Situations change.
Memories are designed to fade and sometimes remain.
But it's time to move on. Life is waiting for you"

-Old Klingon proverb.

July 25, 2017


The truth that you're looking to find
it's nowhere outside of your mind.



July 23, 2017


Can we get a vacation from ourselves?
And go to some new place
with fresh eyes
and fresh perspectives
-being somebody else-
seeing the world for the first time.

Are we the same we wanted to be?

Are we ourselves?
Is that a fact
or a hope?


July 20, 2017

This side of the world.

This side of the world has a wider, bigger sky
a deep red sea, full of creatures -and spices-
-full of silence and heat at days-
hot red blood pumping my veins at nights.

Exotic hearts
Pretty eyes
Cotton lips
Skin of stars.

A smile covered with glitter
with a wonderful pair of legs.

This is the side in which time stops
(days become years in just seconds)
Time is nothing but a fable,
a bedtime story for kids.

However, with a slice of Netflix,
White pillows floating on dark, silky hair,
and a cup of swimming pool
life is way more bearable.

For this is not the other side of the world
This is the odd one.


July 19, 2017

It happens.

You never say "hey"
or remember my name
It's probably 'cause
You think you're cooler than me.

(Mike Posner).

July 18, 2017


Who wants to live forever?

What for?

You really want it...or
You're just scared to die?

Totally different things.

And eternity may bored you to death.

Just enjoy the ride
And when the time comes
Let it go

Let it go
Let it go.


July 16, 2017

Got love?

The difference

between eternal love

and eternity

is quite simple.

Eternal love last a little longer.

Have you got the chance

to catch one of those?

It's painful, isn't it?


July 15, 2017

July 13, 2017

The secret

You were always changing sides

there's no sorrow in your eyes

You can keep it covered...

(The secret in your heart).

Now there is no one to know

or claim any prize.

The secret's flying high.

And you can relax on your chair

there's nothing behind.

The secret was just a part time.


Bittersweet symphony.

I have no agenda

(or super-plan)

when it comes to Love.

Feels like am just waiting for the bus.

...on a dark rainy day.


July 12, 2017

Y la vida va.

Te despiertas -con sueño todavía-

Buscas -como robot- tus sandalias,

y sentado en el baño desvarías.

Le das un vistazo al mundo social.

Te tomas un cafe, unas tostadas, algún queso, frutas...

y piensas en todo lo que se quedó por hacer

-Mientras alimentas tus peces-

Vas programando mentalmente tus rutas.

Te preguntas si alguien se acuerda de ti

mientras hueles el shampoo

que se desliza por tu cara

y una melodía se pasea por tu mente:

I got my summertime, summertime sadness (Lana)

Eliges el perfume mientras te haces la corbata

Repasas tus actividades del día

Y sigues pensando sin querer pensar

en como serian las cosas con ella

si no hubieran salido mal.

Recibes un mensaje

un video tonto en WhatsApp

Envías una carita feliz

Y la vida va.

Alguien muy elegante te escribe I love you...

De manera automática

-y de acuerdo con las reglas-

le escribes I love you too.

Y la vida va.

Abres la nevera

Tomas tu jugo de vegetales para el camino

Le das un vistazo a la casa, antes de salir a tu destino.

Y la vida va.

Por donde anda cupido?

En serio...alguien tiene su WhatsApp?


July 11, 2017

The best storytellers.

May I confess

I had a strange dream last night, my dear.

While running her fingers through the stars...

a friendly ghost was softly whispering to my ear.

And as she described amazing love stories

Falling from her face I noticed some tears.

I was not scared, no. Not scared...

Rather shocked and mesmerized

by how deep her words reached my soul

covering with gold dust my heart and eyes.

But the best storyteller is not

a ghost with soft look.

Not ancient words stolen from old magic books

Or the words dripping from clouds silver and clear.

Because the best storytellers are in fact, our own painful tears.


July 10, 2017

Absolutely fabulous.

Have you had this a-ha moment
(that may comes as a surprise)
in which you feel like waking up
from a dream of thousand nights?

It's like when the bleeding
-of a very old and deep wound-
suddenly (and for no particular reason) stops
and doesn't hurt you anymore.

It's fabulous darling.

It's absolutely fabulous.


Absolutely true.

Who could believe it?

Time does heal everything.

Next time you feel like dying

...just give some time. :-)
