March 18, 2017


I've finally discovered
what life's about.

I've finally discovered
what's the meaning of life.

Peace... a cup of coffee
a good book
a small yogurt - without fruits-.
good, warm cotton socks.

No phone calls,
No memories
-memories are designed to fade out-
just a simple, delicate purple rain.

Then you'll find nirvana.

A simple song
-your funny uncle-
can give you a VIP ticket to Neverland.

Life is about nothing in the end
-and about what happens in between-


March 17, 2017

Chicas malas.

Los besos que te dan las chicas malas
salen mas caros cuando los regalan.


March 15, 2017


Oz never did give nothing to the Tin man.
...That he didn't already have.


March 11, 2017

It's a very short life.

There's no time for regrets
Or "what if...?"
No time for tears
No time for fears.

No more whispers in the dark
No more wishing on a star

Isn't it midnight
on the other side of the world?
Was it you who said
you will love no more?

And then we never had time
-it was clear from the beginning-
I saw it written in your eyes:
You will never truly be mine.

It's a short life, after all.


March 08, 2017


Nadando en las aguas profundas de tu amor
- a medianoche, cuando duerme el sol-
descubrí confundido, entre malabares
que nadaba perdido, entre témpanos y glaciares.

Y me sobrecoge la vision certera
de una mariposa de azul celestial
posada sobre la luna, en quieta espera
mientras sangra gotas de oro en el mar.

Y no entiendo el cuadro
-tanto frío, tanta tristeza -
pues es suyo mi corazón,
-se pasa todo el día en mi cabeza.-

Me ha tocado enamorarme
de un ser mitológico y extraño
Me he enamorado de la medusa
y en ella pienso todo el año.


March 01, 2017