September 30, 2013

Writer's block

Some people deal with writer's block by continuosly writing.
Even if they are fully aware that what they're writing is not awesome...or interesting.

Others try to find the muses by doing something different. Go fishing, the gym, listening to music,
eating, watching TV, walking, and so on.

Truth is that when you're a writer, you're like a prisoner. You have no free will.

You have to write. You feel the words boiling inside your chest.

You feel the anxiety, the burning passion
and only by writing you find the peace, the relax your mind claims.

Is like opening the big stress valve in your roof
and Choo Choo! the train suddenly moves!


What a wonderful world.


Other stuff

Let's see...other stuff, other stuff...

Fishing, for example. I have a nice fishing bag, like four fishing sticks -two of them with big big length- but no...nop...not fishing lately.

I have long time I don't go fishing. The last time I did it was with really (as in: Really) cool people.

The gym, well, yes I go there... but on a second thought...yes and no, because I don't go frequently. The last time I go frequently to the gym was few years ago.

Listening to music...yup. Always.
However if you compare the way I listen to music here and the way I used to do it previouly is almost pathetic. First of all, here I have to do it alone, because nobody enjoy nice music, then if -by chance- I put some music in my car it can't be loud because the people with me have no sense of good music.

So different to my previous trips...sooo different. OBK, PSB...

So, as you can see I'm having here a loooot of fun....a lot.

Maybe my custodian angels are busy with something else...or they think I'm happy.


September 28, 2013

Barbie a plastic world.

Did you know that if Barbie were an actual woman, she would be 5’9” tall, have a 39” bust, an 18” waist, 33” hips and a size 3 shoes...
Weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia...Yup, and...she likely would not menstruate.
I mean, C'mon Barbie...get real.
(There are two Barbie dolls sold every second in the world. But NOT like the one shown here)


In American movies, almost all grocery shopping bags contain at least one stick of french bread.

If it happens in reality, I bet is a good news for the butter and the cheese industries.


September 27, 2013


When I came to know
that a face of a penny can hold
about thirty drops of water,
some questions came into my mind...

First of all,
what about the other side?
How many drops can hold
the other side (reverse) of the coin?

What about perfume?
How many drops of perfume can the face of a penny hold?

What about milk? juice?
Or both together...

Now, seriously, this means that someone, somewhere
was curious enough, (and had the time too)
to put water, drop by drop -and to count them-
and did it many times until coming with an average.

It's a wonderful world we live in.

There's time for everything!

Even to comment about it in a blog.



September 26, 2013

La Vida

La Vida
-y la Muerte-
colgaban de su falda...
llevaba ella mi alma cosida a su espalda.

Y se movia con pasos de bailarina
como bebiendo del dulce nectar del olvido
sorbito a sorbito
en un discurso secreto de adios para siempre.

Era una poesia de mujer envuelta en seda
que tornaba un momento en mil calamares
que danzan y se enredan en corriente de mar
y se van y no regresan jamas.

La Vida
-y la Muerte-
eran su mejor excusa
para cada dia ser mi mejor musa.

Y venia y se iba
con ese vaiven de niña coqueta
y aunque mis besos conquistaron su amor,
mis ansias no lograron retenerla..

Ay mujer,
Ay mi amor.
Sin ti mi cama es un vasto imperio desierto
es un pueblo fantasma, un hotel para nadie.



Feelings of lightning, explosions
cover my heart full-of-fear
when I think of you
and your eternal little pretty eyes.

I just wanted to be your hero
wanted to rescue you from the world,
-it's really cold out there-
but my chances to get you are so small...

I could never find the path to your castle
-your flowers now smile to other faces-
and I'm just like a cloud far in the horizon
gazing at your body of Princess taking a shower in the sun.

How much pain can a heart resist?
How many storms can resist my soul?
There are dragons surrounding my mountains
I've seen fire balls crossing the skies at night.

I don't know what more can I do.
I don't have the key to your door.
All I wanted is to be with you,
because after that...What else is there?











September 25, 2013


Toma tu calculadora
y multiplica
nueve veces 1 por nueve veces 1
(111,111,111 x 111,111,111)
y luego veras el resultado.

Totalmente inutil, lo se.

Pero divertido, no?



I wonder...

I wonder
why we call it Planet Earth
if 9 out of 10 living things live in the oceans...

I mean, Planet Earth? Really?



September 23, 2013

A matter of balls....

Back in the days, many people lost their lives because of Napoleon and Hitler.

These two fellas were kind of hard headed
and it was either their way or the highway...if you were lucky enough to escape alive.

One thing they had in common - among many others probably-
is that they were both missing one testicle...oops!

Maybe deep in their minds they felt lesser than the rest
and their particular way of proving that their manhood was as good as anyone's
was killing hundreds of thousands people (millions for our sieg-heil friend).

A word of advice could be
to avoid people with physical -or mental- disadvantages
since they could be secretly trying to prove that they're normal
and the consequences may be disastrous.


September 22, 2013


The hippopotamus is the only animal which exist as if it doesn't. Think about it.

Although they may look like pigs, their closest relatives are the whales!

Besides that, there are three facts really interesting:

A- A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 feet tall child inside
B- The hippo is one of the most aggressive creatures in the world
And C- A hippopotamus can run faster than a man...hmmm

Really scary if you put two and two together...But hippos are hervibores. No problem.



September 21, 2013


Los mosquitos chupan sangre
y ademas incrementan sus actividades vampirescas
en un sorpresivo 500% (*)
en noches de luna llena.

Alguien notó ese fenómeno
y lo incluyó en las narraciones
del conde Chócula
para darle mas veracidad, I guess.

Mezclar las fantasías con datos reales
las hace mas creíbles.



(*) De acuerdo con la American Mosquito Control Association

September 19, 2013

Nice things

If you can't say nice things
then please say nothing at all.

Use SMS just to say good things.


September 16, 2013


is the shortest complete sentence in the English language...
And the most powerful words all over the world.

It's more powerful than Abracadabra
Way more.

Search, read and be free.



Imagina por un momento
que quien sea que haya inventado
la palabra "Abracadabra"
en vez de eso hubiese dicho,  "Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha! "

Los actos de magia serian menos aburridos. No crees?

A proposito, te apuesto que has llevado contigo
"Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha"
en algun momento de tu vida.
(Mejor conocido como YKK en el zipper de tus vestidos)

Imagina un mago caro, exotico y lunatico
en un lugar caro, exotico y lleno de tontos
diciendo: Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha!
Y zas! Que saca un conejo asustado de su sombrero.

Me moriría de la risa.




suena como una invocación a Jobobabá o a Yayael.
Algo así como unas palabras mágicas
para volar en el atardecer.

Pero nones, ramones.

Que no es nada parecido.

Es solo el nombre de un pueblecito en Mexico.

Seria interesante ponerle ese nombre a un gato.

Te imagino llamando al gato para darle cena....
Toooodas las noches.



Hay que buscar la diversión donde


Where are you?

Where are you?

Are you hiding in my writings?
Are you somewhere between Asia and my heart?
I can't find you
...and I miss you.



Tengo el cuerpo hecho de paja... cabeza de aserrín!
Pero el corazón de azúcar...
Y mi nombre es Arlequín!

Esa frase me trae muy buenos -y gratos- recuerdos.

A propósito, a veces me pregunto:
como seria el mundo si las cosas se pudieran arreglar
con una maquina de viajar en el tiempo?
No se.

Quizás la perfección no está en nuestro menu.

Debemos entonces ser felices por decisión
porque nos da la gana.

O porque no hay nada mejor en que ocupar el tiempo!



September 12, 2013



Singing...the act of sing
is like walking, exactly like walking.
Everybody can do it ( and is supposed to)
but only few do it with style.

Is...a reflex
just a reflex
like fear
...or sex.


September 11, 2013

Sabias que...

Did you know that anything
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g bothering you today
may not exist in your life
in 10 years from now.

...And may not exist at all in 100 years.

Think about it.

Open your eyes.

This is temporary.

Told u.



Se me ocurre ahora
-for no particular reason-
hacer algunas preguntas tontas
sobre los dinosaurios.

Quien los trajo?
Quien se los llevo?
Para qué los trajeron a este mundo?
Porqué dejaron sus fósiles regados por todo el planeta?

Donde estan ahora?

En Jurassic Park?



September 09, 2013

Fruits and Vegetables.

Tomatoes and Jalapeños are fruits, not vegetables.

And for the records, Pineapple is neither pine or apple a berry.

Who understand mother Nature?

Nobody!  Is a woman.



September 07, 2013

Donuts are usually NOT organic.

Normal everyday Donuts are definitely NOT organic.

That's why when some distracted customer asked the Material Girl*
"Can I have an organic one?"
She replied squirting the jelly filling all over the shirt of the funny guy who asked.
...and then she got fired.

Anyway, she's like a virgin now...untouchable.

*Madonna Veronica Louise Ciccone.




Since the chemical composition of your tears change, depending on your emotions, I was wondering,
what if, sudenly after a big dish of curry-something, you feel sooo happy that you can cry?

Will those tears be considered as curry-tears!?
Moreover, will those tears be spicy?

Things that make you go hmmm...


(Image: "Happy Tears"/Roy Lichtenstein / 1964 - POP ART)


September 06, 2013


Hear this...There are in a Chess match around 400 different possible positions after one move each. There are 72,084 different possible positions after two moves each. There are over 9 million different possible positions after three moves each, and there are over 318 billion different possible positions after four moves each.
Now the good one is this, the number of distinct 40-move games in chess is far greater than the number of electrons in the observable universe!!!
The number of electrons is approximately 10^79 , while the number of unique chess games is 10^120 .
... And I love chess.

September 05, 2013

Anoche soñé...

Anoche soñé
que yo te observaba - y te esperaba-
en algún lugar fuera de tu cascarón.
..y que tu me espiabas desde dentro.

Anoche fue una noche larga
no me hablaste ni en morse en señales de humo
ni mensajitos en una botella...nada.

Anoche te pinté en mis cielos de cine mudo
como la gran cocaleca sagrada
dorada, crispada y salada
...ardiendo en deseos de ser tomada.

Anoche te adiviné escondida en tu coraza
dando saltos de cisne confundido y desconfiado
y Yo afuera, con el mapa de tu tesoro
...y con deseos de un Omelette.




September 04, 2013

Vegetable ice cream.

You are are.
Out of this -and others- worlds.
You are Fantastique...Magnifique...
One in a billion.

When I hear you saying "I love you"
it's the best gift I can possibly is.
It's like my favorite ice cream:
"Pralines and cream".

Although, when you are not in a good mood
you can be as nice as a Ketchup ice cream.*

*The only vegetable ice cream made by Baskin Robbins.
(Never added to the 51 formal flavors list...
used only for 8 yrs old boys to disgust their sisters)



September 03, 2013


On the other hand,
regardless everything...
Regardless the possible lack of honesty in your heart,
regardless all that happened

After all the lies
-and teachers between us...-
In a very deep corner of my heart
I wonder if you think of me.

Completely useless I know...
but still I wonder.

Affairs of the heart
are such a strange creatures...


La milla...

Como decía un viejo amigo,
cada vez que quería subrayar algún hecho
-el Ing. F. Martich-
"Por si te sirve de algo..."

Bueno, por si te sirve de algo...
te diré que después de ti,
salvo honrosas excepciones -que ahora probablemente descansan en paz-
el resto se vende por chatarra y deja beneficios...

Y es que no solo fuiste buena
fuiste la mejor.

En la carrera de la vida,
le lleva tu amor al resto
no solo una cabeza de ventaja
le lleva la milla. Varias veces.

Es tan corto el amor
y tan largo el olvido.

Y no hay nada que hacer.

(Para ser justos, este tenia que ser en Español)


September 02, 2013

Best way to love...

The best way to love is...
to love like a shrimp!

Shrimps, my dear, have the heart in their heads...

That way they never lose the head because of their heart.


They keep cool and easy in any situation.

It may even allow them to buy a house in Indonesia!
(Private joke)


The immortal jellyfish

Is there anything in this life, that never dies?

And the grammy goes to....The Turritopsis Nutricula!!

Of course, after receiving such an embarrassing name
the least thing God could do is to make it immortal.



Turritopsis nutricula

I wish your love for me was like the Turritopsis Nutricula.

But as of now, I don't believe you. Not a word.

Somethings in life are hard to fake.

Smile is one of them. Love also can not be faked.
