December 14, 2016


El duende de los amores contrariados
lleva tu nombre y el mío
tatuados en el meñique derecho
-el que sube al tomar cafe-

Para no olvidarnos
-para no olvidarse de olvidarnos-
Y así mantener viva la llama
del fuego azul y frío del olvido.

Y así es como es.


December 11, 2016

The Ghost of myself.

After you're gone
I like to think of me
as the ghost of myself.
Haunting me.

On every move

Every night.


Mermaid dreams.

It's easy for you to say
"Stop living in the past."
You don't have a heart,
you have a cold dark stone instead.

You were born with this gift.

You can change your plans
so easy and careless
-like changing TV channels-
and still show your everyday smile.

In the meantime,
while you walk -grabbing hands with him-
I'm fighting thousand battles
with all my demons
under the sea.

Life is easy for you.

So easy.


From my coordinates.

I try constantly to squeeze life
and leave a decent legacy
to the humankind
-from my coordinates.

The ideas are boiling in my mind
as a gargantuan leviathan
of marvelous and incredible acts
always swimming inside of me.

But am the kind of weirdo
that find the exact same pleasure
in front of the biggest mountain
or in front of the smallest flower.

And that's how it is.



People used to think
that happiness is a destiny
- a place somewhere in a far land-
and are constantly chasing it.

People are always searching
for the ticket counter
in which they can buy VIP tickets
to ride the "All time happiness" express.

Many of us are waiting
for this magic door
that will pop up somewhere
and will let us in - with no effort at all.

What a delusion of grandeur.

Happiness is a state of mind.

Happiness is an option.


What do we want?

What do we want?

A faster car?
Expensive accessories?
A bigger house?
Expensive clothes?

What do we want?

What make us happy?

None of these things
will go with us
to the other side of life.
Live now. Here.


December 05, 2016

Common sense.

Each and every boy
have the natural right
to be happy, to smile...
to play with his own toys.

Every kid (and that's clear)
should enjoy once in a while
without worrying or fear
to be caught by someone.

Playing late at night
with nice -but stolen- toys
alone in the park, far from public eyes
is not easy, is not nice, is not quality time.

I's our call.
To have our own things
is what it's expected.
...It's common sense, after all.


December 04, 2016


Tonight is forever
tell me now you don't disappear.
Open the door
(You hold the key)

Just follow your instincts
Let the forever after start now.

Tonight is the first night.


Quien no iría?

Con un canalla como yo
y un pasaporte a Bangkok
...quien no iría?

Los chicos no lloran.
ni hablan del pasado,
ni se acuerdan de nadie.

Es mi vida ah
-no quiero cambiar-
los chicos no lloran
(Solo pueden soñar).

Es mi vida.


November 29, 2016

Where are you now?

Was it all in my fantasy?

Were you only imaginary?

I'm faded.

So lost.

Where are you now?

Faded - Alan Walker - youtube it.

Esta producción -como todas las cosas buenas-
no es para todo el mundo.
Algunas personas dirán que si
otras dirán que no.


El sol es azul en marte.

De que nos sirve saber
que en los atardeceres marcianos
cuando la noche se acerca con su manto
el astro sol se torna azul?

Es un sol lejano
marte esta distante en el espacio
no nos toca a nosotros saberlo un sol ajeno.

Solo nos queda saber
que ellos, los marcianos,
que nos han inspirado tantas historias
son quienes contemplan ese azulado momento.

Cada atardecer.

El sol se pone azul.

Se pone triste.

Quizás porque desde marte
el planeta tierra esta tan lejos.
El sol de alguna manera extraña nuestro verdor
nuestros mares llenos de nubes.

Pero es un sol lejano
es un sol ajeno.


November 28, 2016

Doble disciplina.

En los días felinos de mi corazón atribulado
quedo atrapado por la perfidia
de aquellas que huyeron a por cobija
de tempestades que no han acampado.

Y se ríe el destino en su sorpresa
y se cansa el pendulo en su colgar
que no estas tu para saberlo
y yo quizás no ya para contar.

Pero entérate que la marea no ha vuelto
- en cien años- a ser tan alta
como cuando las gaviotas de tu cielo
sobrevolaban mi barca.

Y ahora solo me queda disciplinar
a mis corceles desbocados
que se lanzan a buscarte por las noches
mientras mi corazón te busca por los tejados.


November 22, 2016

A veces te miro.

A veces te miro con las manos
como miran los niños a las estrellas
tan lejos, tan inalcanzable.
(y se llena mi corazón de suspiros).

A veces te miro con ojos de pincel
como mira un maestro a una bandada de gaviotas
deleitándose con los surcos en el cielo
de sus cuerpos frágiles, graciosos, ajenos.

Y a veces, tarde de la noche, te miro
de la mejor forma que puede un hombre
mirar el retrato de la mujer amada...
con el corazón en las manos y un nudo en la garganta.


Que sera de ti?

Quien tiene el privilegio de ignorar tus suspiros
cuando en las noches - espalda contra espalda-
juegan en silencio a que son felices,
mientras tus lobos aúllan a otra luna?

Quien mora en el castillo
como dueño y señor
-único y plenipotenciario-
de todas las pompas de jabón?

Que sera de ti?
Que sera de ti?

Miénteme y di
que no estoy loco.
O quiéreme y di
que solo un poco.


November 20, 2016


We can make miracles's clear.

Two worlds that now become as one.

( I knew it from the first time I saw you.)

Stacy Lattisaw.

November 17, 2016

Flying kites.

The temperature is pleasant
the sun barely touch the sites
the air is gentle on the landscape
it's time for painting...and flying kites.

Some trip to the desert
a visit to Starbucks in a mall
enjoy the simple tastes in life
a stolen this life, after all?

Flying kites helps me to forget
while time stands still
and helps me to see the clock
dancing close to destiny.

Is your life what you want it to be?


November 16, 2016

Para que te quedes.

Hoy daria yo la mitad de los peces del mar chino
solo por verte.

...y la otra mitad
para que te quedaras.


November 15, 2016


I want to be immortal
like your face in my nights
like a sphinx kiss to the moon
like a fat bronze frog in an Indian pond.

I want to be eternal
like your eyes in my soul
like your words in the sky
...but everybody dies.


Do you want to dance with me?

If I promise romance...
will you come for a ride?

In a lovers heaven
we keep our promises, at last.

In a lovers heaven
we are tied to the past.

Que los amores cobardes nunca llegan al cielo.


Not so in love.

When any of us
perform our duties (with or without feelings)
-we may secretly enjoy-
or...we could stare at the ceiling.

Is in no way an obligation
to kiss after crossing the line
(could be taken as a sign of admiration)
but without love that's just not fine.

I don't know what more to say about it
In the game of love
we may win, we may fall
but if we settle for the second best
We're only human after all.


Doble u - o - doble u

Se aceptan aplicaciones al club.

Se procesaran de acuerdo con el pedigree del aplicante.

Traduce este.



September 16, 2016

Turn back time.

If you could
turn back the clock
will I still be part of your story?

Because you are part of mine
with or without clocks.


September 12, 2016

La cuadra ruda.

A veces nos da con extrañar
a la gente de la cuadra ruda
-a los malos- los que nos han olvidado-
los que nos han arrojado cenizas en los ojos.

Y es que el corazon cierra la razon
y le da con recordar a los extraños
a los que habitan en el lado oscuro de la luna
los que nunca se acuerdan de nosotros.

Recordamos sus buenos momentos
recordamos que buenos fueron
-cuando fueron buenos-
y les hechamos de menos.

Es como cuando las bandas de rock
deciden hacer baladas
las hacen mas intensas que cualquiera
asi es cuando una de las malas te quiere.

La mala te quiere con mas intensidad
que todas las buenas juntas.

Y eso es asi. 


September 11, 2016

2 / 0

Our love
is far from home
comes from another continent
and another date.

When the times come
(maybe miles away)
I'll explain everything
-it's better that way-.

They probably heard a rumor
and someone has to pay
-you can't be alone-
then ran away.

Were just two
divided by



September 08, 2016

Hall of fame.

The hall of fame of my heart is full.
Is complete and full,
...full of pictures of you.

Pictures of you smiling
Pictures of you angry with me
Pictures of you staring at me
Pictures of your eternal charm.

And there's no space for anybody else.

Go figure.


August 30, 2016

Y que de ti?

Salgo al sol cada mañana
y siento que me haces falta
que andas por algun lugar
pensando en mi, como yo en ti.

Y te busco.
Te busco debajo de un arbol
-en los ojos de un gato pardo-
mientras su cola se mece lentamente.

Te busco donde se que no estas
en el calor de las calles
en las terrazas desiertas de la ciudad...
en la cancion "Immortal" de marina.

Te busco por doquier
-no se nada de ti-
Y que de ese gran amor?
Y que de ti?


August 28, 2016

De carbon y piedra.

De carbon y piedra
tengo ya el corazon
sin que se aviste siquiera
un trecho de buen amor.

De carbon y piedra...y de alga vegetal
-que mas quisiera, que mas quisiera-
que diera cien vueltas en las nubes,
que se hunda en ultramar.

De carbon negro y quemado
de piedra, roca dura y fria
combinacion exitosa en Agosto
donde el mas cuerdo desvaria.

De piedra seca y pesada
donde no florece un clavel,
de carbon denso y cansado
que aun escribe "amor" en papel.

Y es lo que queda de un gran amante
Y es lo que queda de un gran amor.
No somos la mitad de lo que fuimos
y seguimos sonriendo de cara al sol.


August 23, 2016

Life is short.

What are words for?
Can we use them for healing?
For those who have a broken heart
For those who've lost the joy.

What are words for?

Can we use them to turn back the clock?
Is there any magic spell to do that?
For those walking on the sunshine
with old pictures in their pockets.

What are words for?

Can we use them to fix our mistakes?
If I promise romance will you come for a ride?

Words are endless.
Life is short.

Alpha Towers.

August 16, 2016

Our chance.

It take lots of honesty
integrity and common sense
to accept that for some things in life
we've just missed our good chance.

And that's irrevocable
eternal, undeniable
...and written in stone
it is something clearly over, and done.

We may spend the rest of our lives
trying to barely understand
how good things went wrong
but that's just the way it is, and it's done.

Now we have to forget
now we know what life's about
and look to our past like a bird
taking a glance to distant clouds.

We are the ones to be forsaken
we are the ones to be forgotten
game is over for love, there's no more
we should leave the stage and walk out the door.

And someday - in the mist of time-
when they ask me if I knew you
I'll smile and say
You were a friend of mine.

Es tan corto el amor...y tan largo el olvido.

Hoy daria yo la vida por volverte a ver.


July 19, 2016

Have you?

Thunder only happens when it's raining.

Players only love you when they're playing.

Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

Dreams of loneliness am not buying today.


July 18, 2016

A ti, Pinina.

A ti, Pinina
que te has escondido por tanto tiempo
en los recovecos mas profundos
de mi corazon.

A ti, Pinina
que nunca me has reclamado
lo que por lealtad de amor
-y fuerza de pasion- te corresponde.

A ti, Pinina
de mi vida y de mi amor
que te pienso con los primeros rayos del sol
y me acuesto contigo en los parpados.

A ti, amor de mi vida
que ni siquiera sospechas que te nombro Pinina, 
mientras se me desbordan los colores...
a ti te escribo estas palabras de amor y desamor. 

Y le pido, Pinina, al gran dador de destinos
que tus dias transcurran siempre
en Paz, Amor y Armonia...
y que nunca te acuerdes de mi.

La vida es muy corta
donde no caben amores eternos.


July 17, 2016

Never heals.

Your name
is just a name for the people around you.
A bunch of letters with no other meaning.

Your name is for me a wound
-a very deep wound
always fresh, always beating-
that will never heal.

And it hurts me
every little step of the way.

I have learned to live with it.


July 16, 2016


Esta mañana me he levantado
Y al darme vuelta en la cama me he ido rodando.
No hubo -en aquel entonces- ningun mensaje de despedida...
Solo unas flores en el suelo de la sala.

Sera que con los colores
o el olor que dan las flores
es mas facil estar despierto?
Sera que las palabras (mis palabras)
nunca expresan demasiado bien algunos sentimientos?

Ahora solo quedan
las fotos sueltas en mis bolsillos
-Y hay que esparcir los recuerdos- .
Ahora solo queda
que su dueño la reciba
y haga lo que tenga que hacer sin tardar.

Sera que con las nubes
o el barullo de los tiempos
no tenemos bien los nervios?
Sera que con la luna
que no se pone redonda
se nos va la inspiracion?

Una palabra, cinco palabras o seis
Siete palabras o nueve palabras o diez
Cincuenta palabras, sesenta palabras o cien. 


July 14, 2016

Fake Butterfly.

Today I finally understood
the whole thing about this.
It was not metal, it was soft, simple wood
the very essence of your kisses.

It was soft wood indeed,
burning down to ashes
at the first sight of a flame,
disappearing into the wind.

I've finally opened my eyes
and see the real sense
of your hugs, your words to me...
there was no truth there, just empty lies. 

I was mesmerized by the random flight
of a plastic, a fake butterfly.
A puppet, a marionette
dancing with the stars. 

I come from a deep sleep
and I see myself as a lonely boy
playing at midnight
-in a silent park- with stolen toys.

I can see clearly -after the rain is gone-
that I was just a silly kid at night
going round and round pretending to be happy 
to forget about life for a while.

Playing under the moonlight
-with my eyes and my heart full of joy-
with exotic and beautiful toys
hiding from their owner in the shadows.

I finally understood
I was that kid.


July 12, 2016

Todo pasa y todo queda.

Despues de todo,
cuando el tiempo se sienta, cansado
-cuando se acomoda entre viejas fotos-
nos encontramos una tarde cualquiera
paseando los dedos sobre recuerdos olvidados.

Cuando la luna nos mira
como se mira a un barco perdido en el mar,
Cuando nuestros pasos
ya no se apresuran para llegar,
es justo en ese momento
cuando se nos agrieta el corazon
y exhala preguntas al aire
y me pregunto: donde estas?

Y es que todo pasa
y todo queda, asi nomas.
Pero lo nuestro es pasar.


June 26, 2016

Que hacemos?

Que hacemos
-Que podemos hacer-
cuando tenemos las manos llenas
de un amor que no es correspondido?

Que hacemos con ese amor
que nos mira de noche
-con sus ojitos tiernos-
y que se niega a morir?

Que hacemos
- Que podemos hacer con ese amor-
si es lo mas grande que tenemos
y que tendremos jamas?

Lo dejamos morir
de brazos cruzados
mientras nuestro corazon
se parte en mil pedazos?


June 20, 2016

Fue solo mi imaginacion?

A veces me da la rara sensacion

-el extraño sentimiento-

de que lo que vivimos con emocion

no lo vivimos en ningun momento.

Hace tanto tanto tiempo que no te veo

que mi memoria me traiciona

se van borrando las escenas de amor y deseo

y solo queda un amargo vacio en mi persona.

En esos momentos mi alma se confunde y desvaria

y - totalmente desorientado bajo el sol-

creo que no vivimos lo que vivimos un dia

que fue solo mi imaginacion y el calor.

Cada dia vas muriendo en mi.

No hay nada que podamos hacer?



June 16, 2016

Like a house on fire.

One of the incredible things

is that.

We used to make love

like a house on fire.

And I know you like. Me...Double like it!


June 13, 2016

You couldn't see me.

I wanted to get nearer

get closer

to the light in your eyes

but you couldn't see me.

You were surrounded

by flashlights, fire and storm.

And I was there, standing just there

right in front of you.

I didn't know what more to ask for

-I was given a short time

to explore your sun-

and you were always in a rush.

And after all I keep on thinking

if your life is not tied to mine

What else is there?

What else is there?


April 01, 2016

Love is the salt of life

Hold on to your love
-whoever is the lucky guy-
(Hold on real tight)
Because is the only thing making life worth it.

If you have not find love yet
don't fall into despair
don't cry under the blue moon
no, princesses are not allowed to do that.

One way or another
-just when you least expect it-
Love will find you
...and get you to the bones.

Going through life
pretending you don't care
will not throw the loneliness out of your heart
the sea waves will still be cold under the sun.

Who will bury us when we die?



If you live long enough
you will see your superheroes values fade away...


I may not love the you you are today
Because many things have changed in you.
But the you you were few years ago...
That one I love completely, faithfully.

I'm forever in love with that you.

It's the never ending fuel helping me
to get through this circus called life.


March 24, 2016

Mil muertes.

Cada dia de mi vida
-desde que no estas-
Cada dia lentamente
muero mil muertes.

Y todas y cada una de esas muertes
lleva tu nombre de frente y de espalda.

El amor nos deja una herida
en el centro del alma
que nunca cierra
ni para de sangrar.

A .

Empty heart.

After all this time
-all this precious time-
all these years
waiting for a sign.

We came to see
with naked eyes
that love is a non sense joke
a story of colours told by a blind man.

And we sit and breath
and fall apart
with lots in our hands
and an empty heart.

Have a nice weekend.


Forces of nature

Release your wishes and hopes
Surrender your dreams.
Love is nothing but a joke.
Surrender to the forces of nature.

Forget the past
and forget those there
jump into the pool of now
and make the best of it.

Because in the end
life is a reflex
Just a reflex,
like fear or sex.


March 22, 2016

At what point?

When do we know that enough is enough?
At what point we realize that love is gone?
Is there any book on this subject which could guide us?
When do we know that is not "we" anymore?

Can real, strong love die?
If the answer is yes, send me
the contact numbers of a
time-machine rental shop.


March 16, 2016

What's your name, anyway?

Do you have what it takes
to fix your wrong moves in the past?

You were very young, my love.
Many things shouldn't happened.
Many things should be happening.
How can I pretend I didn't notice you.

Somebody impressed me
-what can I do?-
You made me make moves
'cause I just had to get to you.

When I close my eyes
I see you.
In a perfect tunnel vision
-and you are smiling at the other end.

And you say I don't know you
after all we've been through.
-too soon to say-
What's your name anyway?


March 09, 2016


I could go with slippers
with you, on a rainy day
in an asian country
to buy fresh bread in the next Bakery. 

And make jokes to you
the whole trip
just to see your smile under the umbrella
just to touch your wet hands. 

That will be enough for me. 
That much I love you. 


The way it should be.

If everything ends up
the way it should
we should walk on a given rainy day
towards the Eiffel Tower. 

Then we go for a fresh croissant
and a hot capuccino. 



Is all over me. 
All over here.
All over my existence. 

Is making me breath
as if I am in front of the gray sea
on a cold rainy day
with my mind sleeping above the clouds. 

A coffee comes to my rescue
And Rain smiles
-The eternal Rain-
As if there's no possible rescue for me.

This mix Rain- Dreamer-Passion
was not decided on sir. 
-it was mixed way above-
with terrestrial consequences. 


March 02, 2016

It bleeds.

Usually my heart beats fast
for some good things in life.
But when it comes about you,
my heart bleeds instead.

Your name
your pictures
make me really feel like
I've been locked out of heaven.
